Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Logo

This is my logo that I made; the colors that I chose are a few of my favorite colors at this time, and the font was chosen because of how elegant it is. I just did this design because it was pretty.

Logo that I like

I like this logo because of how it is unique and the colors work well together. They complement each other and the whole picture looks simple and not overpowering.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Yearbook Cover Design

I didn't have a set theme in mind when starting off with this project, but once I figured out that the decided theme was movies, I tried to incorporate some aspects of films.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Yearbook title

I like this yearbook cover because of how the design is simple, yet it contains a style that is now in. It represents the time that we are living in. The colors coordinate very well and it's not too complicated. We can make the pictures in the yearbook like the one's shown; since we don't have a lot of moments to photograph at RCHS, having bigger pictures will take up the pages and it still goes with the theme.

3 pictures

Monday, January 7, 2013

My Three Words for 2013

Time- Managing and using my time wisely is a struggle and has been for the past few years. This year I would like to plan out my schedule a lot more in depth, because I feel like I under or over-book myself a lot.

Understand- I want to minor is psychology or sociology so I would like to take time out this year to learn more about others and why they do the things they do. I realize that not everyone is the same as me, and I have to slow down to judge someone. I want to try and see things from others' views.

Health- This year I plan on cutting out soda and limiting myself to junk food. I realize that my body is not a garbage can and I can't just fill it with whatever I want to.

1st assignment

Symmetrical Balance (not rule of thirds),r:5,s:133,i:198

Asymmetrical Balance (has rule of thirds),r:0,s:71,i:375

Radial Balance(has rule of thirds),r:14,s:0,i:186

Rule of Thirds Balance,r:65,s:0,i:359